IP Sniffer - Frequently Asked Questions
IP Sniffer - Frequently Asked Questions

1. I can run the program, but as soon as I start the sniffer, I got error 10022: WSAIoctl()... What's the problem?

Usually this happens when there isn't any interface available to sniff. For example you can have an Ethernet card disconnected. If you are sure your card is connected, but still receive this error then probably some low-level driver doesn't allow sniffing on that interface. Firewalls could do it for example although that's not my case.
2. I'm connected to a LAN, but I see only incoming packets. No outgoing packets although I'm sure my PC is sending out something. Why?

This is probably due to the Service Pack 2 of Windows XP. If that is your operating system, activate the Windows Firewall and try again. Many security issues have been introduced with Windows XP SP2 and sniffing could be hard. Here are some further information: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=818043#5.
3. I'm connected to Internet through a dial-up connection, but I see only incoming packets. I tried to activate my Windows Firewall, but nothing changed. What can it be?

Unfortunately I noticed the same behavior and couldn't find a solution yet. I can just say some other sniffers do exactly the same. Further hints or reports about this matter would be appreciate.
4. Which is the suggested operating system for IP Sniffer?

Windows 2000.
5. I still have Windows 95 on my PC. Do I have any chance to get IP Sniffer working?

I think you do, yes. But probably you need to install Windows Sockets 2 (freely downloadable from Microsoft web site). Let me suggest you to upgrade your operating system, though.
6. What's the meaning of the columns in the main screen?

At first, each row represents a packet (received or sent). 'Time stamp' is the local PC time when the packets has been recorded. 'Source' is the IP address of the device that generated the packet and 'Destination' is the IP address where the packet has been directed to. 'Length' is the complete length of the IP packet (header and data). 'Protocol' is the transport protocol contained (ISO/OSI level 4). 'Info' contains many information depending on the protocol, for example the TCP port numbers.
7. I unchecked the autoscroll button, but the list still scrolls when a packet is received, why?

This happens because the list can contain up to 100000 rows (packets). When that limit is reached and a new packet is received, the oldest packet (on the top) is removed and all the others are scrolled. I'm still checking if there are ways to avoid this behavior and really lock the list when autoscroll is unchecked.
8. What's the empty area at the bottom for?

That area (called 'packet data') shows the data contained in the selected packet (only for known protocols). The bytes, if printable, are showed as normal ASCII text, otherwise the binary hexadecimal value is printed between less than and greater than symbols. For example the binary value 13 (carriage return) is showed as <D>.
9. What are filters for?

Usually you don't need a sniffer to monitor all the traffic of your net card. You probably would like to see only certain protocols or monitor only specific ports and for that you need one or more filters. See next two questions for examples.
10. I want to monitor only the traffic generated by my browser when I surf the Web. What should I do?

Set filters as following: only TCP protocol, any IP address (filter disabled), only TCP port 80 (HTTP) and any UDP port (disabled). You'll see any access to any web server that is what browsers usually do. Please notice this is not absolutely true. Some times the connection could be done on another TCP port for example.
11. I want to see all the UDP traffic sent or received by my PC, but I'd like to exlude UDP port 1234 because those packets confuse me. How should I set up filters for that?

Set filters as following: only UDP protocol, enable IP address filter and enter your PC address, disable TCP port filter (it doesn't matter) and enable UDP port filter checking 'Exclude' and typing 1234 as port.
12. What's the export feature for?

Through the export button (or menu) all the data currently present are saved to an external file, so that it is possible to analyse the data with another software.
13. What's the format of the exported files?

The exported files are TSV (tab separated values) files. Each row is a packet (except the first, the header) and each field is separated by the TABulation character (ASCII control code 9). Information about this format can be found on the Web. Several applications, included spreadsheets, allow to import such formatted files easily, that's why TSV format has been chosen.
Document revision: 1 - Oct 22nd, 2005
Copyright © 2005 Stefano Frosio - All rights reserved
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